The Role of Glass Containers in Reducing Food Waste

Reducing food waste is essential. The UK alone is responsible for disposing of 10.7 million tonnes of food annually which results in negative impacts such as increased greenhouse gasses and losses within the economy.

This shocking statistic is contributed to by a wide range of sectors from households to hospitality companies. While there is a limit to how long certain food items can be stored before their best before date passes, opting for glass containers is a proven way of extending the shelf life of many different products. The result? Less food waste and the sending of a strong message to everyone about being more mindful when it comes to throwing away unused items.

In this article we’ll highlight what role glass containers play in reducing food waste.

What Products Are Glass Jars Ideal For?

One brilliant reason glass containers are a brilliant choice for storing food is that they are suitable for a wide selection of perishable items. From preserves to cooked food items, glass containers offer the perfect conditions to protect stored items.

Reducing food waste is a vital consideration for many reasons. When companies opt to choose glass containers for their food items, a strong message is sent to consumers about the role they then play in protecting our planet.

How Can Glass Containers Reduce Food Waste?

Glass containers are a popular sustainability initiative as they offer many qualities which protect food contents. Each of the below points ensures that food items are not wasted and instead stored safely so they can be enjoyed at a later date.

Extend the Shelf Life

Instead of using plastic packaging for perishable items, glass containers can extend shelf life meaning less items are wasted. Not only does this mean less items in landfill, but also offers retailers more time to sell items offering a healthier ROI across product ranges.

Preserve Quality of Contents

Glass containers are also essential for reducing food wastage as they keep items fresher for longer, even once opened. The impermeable material means that external elements, such as oxygen or moisture, cannot reach food items. This not only ensures the taste of items is preserved but also allows nutrients and vitamins to be maintained ensuring the overall quality doesn’t reduce over time.

Suitable to Reuse

Another way that glass containers can minimise food wastage is the fact that they can be reused for different items. When a suitable container is close to hand, it encourages individuals to be mindful about what is thrown away. With it being easy enough to store a wide range of food items in glass containers, there’s no excuse for getting rid of leftovers or spare ingredients. Furthermore, some glass containers can also be tempered to ensure they are oven safe. This offers more of an incentive for food to be saved as it’s easy enough to heat it at a later date.

Choose Glass Containers from Croxsons

At Croxsons, we offer a wide selection of glass containers for food items including round, shaped and clip-top jars. Click here to view our full collection to find a reusable container that will enhance your products shelf appeal plus help to reduce food waste in the long run.