Ethics Policy

Why is stating our Ethics important?

I firmly believe that just stating our Corporate Social Responability policy is not enough. Our Ethics is something that runs right through the company, and is something that we hold ourselves accountable to.

Our corporate Code of Ethics reflects the commitment for William Croxson and Son Ltd to obtain and maintain a reputation for honest, ethical conduct toward our customers, our suppliers, our staff and our competitors. Employees of and contractors to this Company must observe the highest standards in all business conduct because we want to be known as a Company that can be trusted, relied upon to do what is right and honest, and held in high esteem by all we have dealings with because of our values.

We believe that this is the pathway to long term success.

This Code of Ethics contains a description of areas where our principles should affect our behaviour. It may not cover everything but will describe the environment and culture that we seek to create within the organisation.

If you have any comments or feedback, please let me know.


Tim Croxson, Chief Executive Officer

“We do what’s right because it is right.”

“It’s better to be a poor man than a liar.” – The Bible


The ethical standards of the company already comply with the legal requirements expected in business trading as well as staff employment and working conditions. The following seek to go further than just basic compliance by describing a culture within which the Company aspires to operate.

Work Environment

We want our offices & relationships to be healthy, safe, pleasant and productive work environment that is free from discrimination or harassment based on race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability.

There are many different acts of conduct that might damage such an environment and instead make it threatening, distracting or uncomfortable for a co-worker. The management of the Company would like to know of any such conduct so that consideration can be given as to whether and how the situation should be addressed.

Accurate and Honest Communication

The company’s policy is that all spoken words, letters, emails, quotes, claims against suppliers, marketing information etc. are to be accurate, without exaggeration or inflation, and clear of derogatory comments or insinuations. All statements must be fair, honest and free of any intent to mislead.

We do not support misleading those to whom we are communicating. Nor do we gain any long term benefit from running down competitors, co-workers, or any of our trading partners in front of others. The reverse is actually the case; if we communicate positively, those who hear us will be impressed by the absence of negativity and criticism and will come to trust us more.

In accordance with this Code of Ethics, we advise customers, suppliers, and business partners of any clerical or accounting errors as soon as they come to our attention, and we promptly correct any errors through credits, refunds, or other appropriate means.

Customer Relationships

Our customer relationships are probably our most important assets. In dealing with customers, we want to preserve those assets by dealing in good faith at all times, by representing our products, services, and capabilities accurately, making competitive comparisons fairly and without disparagement, and promising only what can be delivered.

If we make promises on behalf of the company, we must seek to fulfil them even if it is to our own hurt.

If we make appointments, we will be punctual. Our appearance and that of our cars will be clean and tidy.

Whilst we compete aggressively for new business, this must be done in the right way. We aim to have satisfied customers with whom we have good and friendly relationships and with whom we communicate frequently and helpfully. It is to no advantage to sacrifice those relationships for short-term gain. A transaction that offers an immediate benefit but at the expense of customer satisfaction is never worth it.

If we are providing an excellent service and proving ourselves to be reliable and interested in doing all we can to meet customers’ needs, we will succeed without resorting to misrepresentation or ‘bad-mouthing’ others.

Relationships with Suppliers and Competitors

We compete strongly in the market place but ethically as well. These expectations need not conflict, nor do they preclude cordial relationships with our competitors. There is no need to disparage the competition before others. It will not convey to the hearer the type of company we aspire to be.

In order to comply with the law, when meeting with competitors, we will avoid any discussion of pricing, contracts or marketing policies with competitors, unless we are working on a joint venture with them. Such sharing of information can be considered to be forming of a cartel or creating unfair competition which is illegal.

We will not adjust our own Code of Ethics on the grounds that a competitor has acted unethically. “We do what’s right because it is right.”


Fraud is an act or intent to cheat, trick, steal, deceive, or lie. Fraud is an act of dishonesty and, in most cases, is a criminal act. Intentional acts of fraud are treated very seriously by the company and will be subject to strict disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and possible further legal recourse.

It is dishonest to take a product that is proprietary to another business and replicate it or pretend that it is our own.

Complete honesty is fundamental to our Code of Ethics.

Accounting and Financial Reporting Laws

The company is required to follow strict accounting principles and standards, to report financial information accurately and completely, and to use appropriate internal controls and processes to ensure that accounting and financial reporting complies with the law.

We place a high value on the integrity and accuracy of our records, which are maintained in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and regulatory requirements.

The rules for accounting and financial reporting require the proper recording of and accounting for revenues and expenses.

Helping the Global Community

The Company already gives 10% of profits to a charitable trust. In addition to this, to encourage charitable activity by our great staff, the Company’s Executive Management Team will look at ways to support those who are giving personal time, effort and money to charitable causes. Ways in which that help might be expressed could be by releasing a staff member on unpaid leave for a temporary project, making donations in addition to the staff member’s own, sponsorship at charitable events or adopting a charity for special support for a year.

Child Labour Laws

The Company use suppliers who do not use illegal labourers, including child labour. Factories are audited and as part of our ISO9001:2008 Manual, suppliers are required to confirm that child labour is not used in their factories, or supply chains.

Anti-Modern Slavery

Please see details here: